Webinar Recap: Will the $14 Million Estate Tax Exemption Expire on 12/31/25? Estate Planning Actions to Take NOW.

Written By: Asher Rubinstein

Asher and Ivy in front of background with the Best Times Financial logo and the GDB Law logo

We know we covered a lot of ground in our recent webinar “Will the $14 Million Estate Tax Exemption Expire 12/31/25: Estate Planning Actions to Take NOW!”  So, as promised, we are sharing a copy of the entire recorded presentation and slides for you to review at your leisure:

Click to watch the presentation

Click to view the PowerPoint

The $14 million estate tax exemption is set to end December 31, 2025. This is a use-it-or-lose-it opportunity to minimize potential taxes on your future estate. Which begs the question:

Will you and your estate plan be ready?

If you have questions or concerns about minimizing taxes on your future estate, please click the links below to connect with me and/or Ivy:

Contact Asher
Contact Ivy

about the authors

Asher Rubinstein


Asher Rubinstein's practice focuses on domestic and international asset protection, wealth preservation, estate planning, tax planning, tax controversy, offshore tax compliance, and related litigation. Mr. Rubinstein is a recognized expert on offshore entities, foreign banking, and IRS compliance issues. Mr. Rubinstein also represents and advises wine, spirits, food, and restaurant clients.

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